JOHANNESBURG, South Africa, 06 February 2023 -/African Media Agency(AMA)/- Pop culture is the biggest influencer of African youth, according to the Who is Influencing Who? Unpacking Youth and Influence in Africa report.
The latest report by Africa No Filter investigates Africa’s influence on the world, its influences on African youth, and how dominant narratives about Africa shape the youth’s perception of the continent. The research interviewed 4500 people aged between 18 and 35 in Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Morocco, Egypt, Uganda, Kenya, Zimbabwe and South Africa.
57% of respondents said pop culture has the biggest influence, followed by the US and Europe (45%), and politicians (31%). Regionally, pop culture had the strongest sway in Kenya (87%) and Zimbabwe, while West African respondents (65%) perceived the US and Europe as more influential.
Interestingly, even though politicians are considered influential, only 11% of interviewees said they were influenced by politicians.
Given that stereotypical narratives about Africa are abundant, the report asked young Africans what they believe to be the dominant negative stories about the continent in movies. 54% said that common negative narratives were about crime and corruption, followed by narratives set in underdeveloped cities (41%) and depicting uneducated, unexposed Africans (33%).
Regarding the impact on the world’s perceptions, 75% of respondents said the stories created a negative perception of the continent. However, it has not stopped them from loving their country and the continent (60%) or believing that African countries – especially South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt – have a global influence (73%).
Moky Makura, Executive Director at Africa No Filter, said: “This is a must-read for any organisation working with and in Africa because it unpacks what influences the largest demographic in the continent. Sadly, African youth haven’t escaped the impact of negative stereotypes but the good news is that it hasn’t defined their perceptions – and that has a lot to do with social media, and the agency it gives them. ”
Here are key findings from the report:
1. Social media is powerful: 71% of respondents believed they could challenge negative stereotypes about the continent on social media. While the report does not dig into the origins of this belief, previous research has turned up several examples of how young Africans have – and continue to – shift negative stereotypes at a global level.
2. Love for country and continent: Even though 45% of respondents believed their perceptions had been shaped by negative narratives about the continent, 60% still loved their country and the African continent. Only 18% of respondents indicated that they would rather live in the United States or Europe and only 20% believed that there are fewer opportunities on the African continent than elsewhere.
3. The power of pop culture: The main influences on respondents were pop culture (57%), social media (27%), family and friends (44%), religion (74%) and their communities’ cultural practices (54%). While 45% of respondents believed that other African youths were strongly influenced by the United States and Europe, they stated that, for them, family and friends had the biggest influence.
4. Politicians are influential, but they don’t influence the youth: Although 58% of respondents said politicians were the most influential people in their country, only 11% said they were influenced by politicians. The only time respondents said they were influenced by politicians was when making voting decisions (51%).
5. Movies perpetuate stereotypes: For 54% of respondents, the most common narratives about Africa in movies were about crime and corruption. 41% said they were stories about underdeveloped cities. 75% of respondents believed these stories created a negative perception of the continent, with Kenyans (83%), Ghanaians and Zimbabweans (82% each) most convinced of the negative impact.
Distributed by African Media Agency on behalf of Africa No Filter.
Research Methodology:
The report interviewed 4500 people aged 18 and 35 in Egypt, Morocco, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa and Zimbabwe – to represent four geographical regions in Africa (East, West, Southern and North Africa). Random sampling was used to reach 500 respondents in each country. Questions were designed by GeoPoll and Africa No Filter and conducted in English, French and Arabic. The polls were conducted in April 2021. Our intention is to extend this study to other countries at a later stage.
About Africa No Filter:
Africa No Filter is a donor collaborative working to shift stereotypical and harmful narratives within and about Africa. Through research, grant-making, community building and advocacy, our objective is to build the field of narrative change-makers by supporting storytellers, investing in media platforms, and driving disruption campaigns. The donor collaborative is funded by Ford Foundation, Bloomberg, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Luminate, Open Society Foundations, Comic Relief, the Hilton Foundation, the British Council and Hewlett Foundation.
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