Bad Breath Home Remedies

Bad Breath Home Remedies


If you’re tired of putting up with stinky breath, you should consider some of these bad breath home remedies. Apples, Baking soda, and herbal tea are among the many options. Herbal toothpaste is also an option. But which one will work best? There are several reasons to use a natural product, and these are explained below. In addition, they can also help you improve the appearance of your jawline. So, what are some of the best bad breath home remedies?

Baking soda

Baking soda is one of those household staples that everyone has in their kitchen. Besides its whitening properties, it is used as a mouthwash and as a cleaning agent. A half-teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water can be swished around the mouth for fresh breath. To use it as a mouthwash, dampen a toothbrush and dip it into the solution. Using this solution as a mouthwash can also significantly reduce bad breath.


For those who are looking for some home remedies for bad breath, an apple is the perfect solution. Apples have antibacterial properties and are packed with fiber that helps clean the mouth. Additionally, the fiber helps increase saliva production, which in turn helps remove odor-causing bacteria. Apples should also be a regular part of your diet, as they are excellent at neutralizing the odor caused by raw garlic. The following are other ways to improve your breath naturally with apples.

Herbal tea

While it is true that brushing twice a day and flossing daily can help to get rid of odor-causing bacteria, some people have also found that drinking herbal tea can improve their breath. While research on herbal tea for bad breath has been mixed, some teas are known to be more effective than others. Before trying any tea for bad breath, consult your dentist or healthcare provider. Self-treating a condition may have dangerous consequences.

Herbal toothpaste

Herbal toothpaste for bad breath is a great way to fight this problem at its root. They contain zinc and antioxidant-rich essential oils that prevent bacterial colonization and fight plaque and bad breath. Those who use these toothpastes report that they have received dentist recommendations. They also claim to give lasting fresh breath and do not irritate the teeth. Some customers even report that they’ve been using the toothpaste for years. If you’re looking for a great alternative to regular toothpaste, consider trying an organic, non-fluoride brand.

Herbal mouthwash

If you are looking for a natural cure for bad breath, you may want to consider an herbal mouthwash. These products contain ingredients like peppermint, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar. Black tea, for example, is antibacterial and helps control plaque. Green tea has antibacterial properties and contains polyphenols, which prevent bacteria from growing and producing bad breath. Cloves can also help freshen your breath.

Source: Ecovisionafrik

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