

Les entreprises sont aujourd’hui confrontées à des défis sans précédent. Les questions commerciales, politiques et sociales convergent. Il est plus important que jamais de communiquer efficacement.

Chez AMA, nous pensons que des stratégies de communication hautement personnalisées et holistiques permettent de créer et de protéger de la valeur, de faire progresser les relations avec les parties prenantes et d’obtenir des résultats concrets.

While our clients’ needs vary greatly – for example, a gap between perceptions of management and investors, an unexpected event or crisis, or how to navigate an increasingly complicated environment in Africa – the principles of our approach are consistent:

  • We tie communications to achieving business objectives
  • We identify the issues and focus on solving them for our clients
  • We believe in the need for direct communication with stakeholders using a variety of tactics
  • We do not provide off-the-shelf strategies. We believe in holistic communications solutions leveraging the full communication spectrum.

Our firm is structured to provide strategic and logistical support across the African continent. Our experience extends across a wide range of sectors, including media, energy, agriculture, financial services, technology, travel and hospitality, and aerospace and defense.

Our expertise includes:

    • Press release distribution
    • Strategies & Content Development
    • Digital & On-ground
    • Press Conference
    • Media Relations
    • Media Training
    • Media Monitoring
    • Event Organization & Promotion
    • Crisis Communication

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